Tzimtzum 1 of 11

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Hey, folks! Are you ready to enter the Jewish world of Magick? Get ready to travel down the mystical rabbit hole with Rabbi Isaac Luria, aka the Arizal - the OG Jewish magickian from Safed, Israel. He was all about that Kabbalah life, obsessed with the Zohar and his own wild mystical experiences, that he practically put Madonna to shame. He wasn't content with just scribbling in the margins of the Zohar; his experiences inspired him to introduce four central themes into kabbalistic thought, and trust me, these themes are not your grandma's Kabbalah. According to him, the spiritual world is shaped by our intentions and actions. So basically, it's like how you dress and strut your stuff can change the whole vibe of the cosmos. No pressure, right? To him shaping the spiritual realm was like molding clay in the hands of a toddler - a little tricky, but totally possible - it is about Tzimtzum (contraction/constriction of Divine light), Shevirat HaKelim (the shattering of the vessels that contained Divine light), Tikkun Olam (repair of the vessels), and Partzufim (reconfiguration of the Divine light). So buckle up, because this is not your average spiritual journey but a journey of Jewish Magick. Trust me, it only gets weird when you go on this journey by yourself.


Picture this, God, the Almighty, looking around at his infinite expanse of everything, wondering how on earth he could make creation happen. How do you make space when you're the embodiment of everything? Do you just push some stuff aside like a hoarder cleaning out their closet? Suddenly, he has an epiphany, a much better solution - Tzimtzum. He withdrew His essence from an area, creating a pocket of space in which the magick of creation could begin. It's like doing a high-intensity workout and creating a calorie deficit, except for God, it's all about black holes and dark energy. Genius! God condenses his infinite essence, creating an opening in which he can begin the process of creation. Who knew making room could be so complicated even for the Almighty? Laughable, really. The concept of Tzimtzum has long been a subject of theological debate, and it's no surprise why. The paradox embedded within it is enough to make anyone's head spin. How can God be both transcendent and immanent at the same time? It's a tricky question, but one that is essential to understanding the nature of existence. Without the restriction of the "Infinite," everything would be overwhelmed by God's totality and nothing could exist. But at the same time, God is not absent from the created world, as He continuously maintains its existence. It's a conundrum, It's fascinating to contemplate how God can be both beyond creation and intimately present within it simultaneously. Tzimtzum challenges us to explore the complexity of divinity and pushes us to ponder the mysteries of the universe.

Shevirat HaKelim

Are you ready for some mind-boggling Kabbalah concepts? Let me introduce you to the Lurianic theory of creation chaos, a place that makes the Mad Hatter's tea party look like a Sunday picnic. the wild and crazy realm called Olam HaTohu (World of Chaos). It's a world that's completely devoid of structure and chaos reigns supreme.

So how did we end up in such a sticky situation? Well, it all started when the divine light, little bits of holy light, AKA "sparks of holiness," got stuck and simply couldn't handle the heat in Olam HaTohu and little bits of holy light were trapped in vessels that couldn't contain them, inevitably shattering, it's like a cosmic game of Jenga gone wrong or a drunken crafting session where sparks flew all over the galaxy like glitter. As a result, these vessels shattered into millions of pieces. This shindig was called the "shattering of the vessels" or the "breaking of the world" Shevirat HaKelim. God's got some serious OCD, so you can imagine he was sweating profusely after this happened. But hey, all's well that ends well, right?

Tikkun Olam

The end result was a jacked up world unfortunately, it led to a world full of brokenness, suffering, and imperfection with some holy sparks chillin' inside and you won't find any order or perfection in this place. From the imperfections and suffering to the darkness of Tohu it may seem daunting, So now we gotta restore balance, and it's our job as humans to find those sparks and get 'em outta the darkness of Tohu but at least we've got each other So embrace the chaos and get ready for a wild ride!

Well, well, well, looks like it's time to unleash our inner healers and fix this messed up world. Let's roll up our sleeves and get started with some good ol' Tikkun Olam action! By spreading kindness, compassion, and altruism, we can ignite those holy sparks and send them back where they belong. No biggie, just saving the world here folks. So come on, let's team up and get to work on fixing this chaotic globe. Trust me, tomorrow's looking a heck of a lot brighter with all our combined efforts. Thanks for tagging along on this epic journey of holiness-finding and world-healing, you rockstar!


The Lurianists had some pretty interesting beliefs about the Sefirot, let me tell you. They thought the Sefirot were organized into Partzufim, which were basically like different aspects of the Primordial Adam. And get this - according to Moses Luzatto, both the Sefirot and Partzufim were made up of ten lights each, which were then constructed of ten more lights, and so on ad infinitum. Ten times ten times ten? That's a whole lot of lights! I don't know about you, but I have trouble just changing a lightbulb. But hey, who am I to judge? Maybe they were onto something with all those fancy lights. Have you ever heard about the Partzuf? It's like the divinity's version of a Mr. Potato Head, but on steroids. When there's only one light illuminated in a vessel, we get a Sefirah, which sounds like a fancy yoga pose, but really just means a divine emanation. But when all of the lights are shining bright, the Partzuf appears. It's basically a huge facial structure with 248 limbs, and I know what you're thinking - what are they doing with all of those limbs? I have no clue, but I hope they're using them for good. Can you imagine having a face with 248 limbs? That's like having a face with 248 sets of eyebrows, talk about an intense upkeep. All I know is, the divinity must have a killer skincare routine to keep that many limbs looking fresh!

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