The beauty in the ancient greek temple

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The blonde girl stepped cautiously into the ancient Greek temple, her senses filled with the scent of old stone and dust. As she walked deeper into the temple, she felt herself getting lost in the maze of corridors and rooms.
Despite the confusion, she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the beauty and grandeur of the temple. The columns towered above her, intricately carved with scenes from Greek mythology, and the walls were adorned with friezes depicting ancient battles and tales of heroism.
But as she continued to wander, she realized that she had no idea where she was or how to get back out. The winding corridors seemed to lead her in circles, and every room looked the same as the last.
As the hours passed, the blonde girl became increasingly anxious and disoriented. She tried retracing her steps, but it only seemed to make things worse. She was lost, trapped in this ancient maze of stone and marble.
Just when she thought all hope was lost, she heard a voice echoing through the halls. It was a kind and familiar voice, and it led her to a hidden passage that she had missed before. She followed the voice and emerged into the sunlight, her heart pounding with relief.
As she looked back at the temple, she felt a sense of reverence and gratitude for the ancient world that had once created such magnificent structures. She knew that she would never forget the feeling of being lost in the temple and the beauty that surrounded her.

Shipping, Production Times & Other Info


It normally takes about 5 working days post-production to deliver your painting to you. The production usually takes 1-2 working days. So you should receive your painting within 7 working days.

If you are looking to purchase a digital image to print it on canvas yourself independently then to ensure good quality we would recommend to select 8K by 8K (64MP) for prints of up to 36x36" and 16K by 16K (144MP) for prints of up to 55x55" in size.

Please note that the above times are approximate and may vary on a case-by-case basis so please allow up to 14 working days for your painting to be delivered.

Liquid AI Art Digital Frames

It takes 7-10 days, on average, including production and shipping to deliver your digital frame. However, this is only an estimate based on the US market and delivery times may vary depending on your location


We take every precaution in terms of protecting your painting from any damage during shipping. Your painting will be wrapped in a protective sleeve with a cardboard covering the painting surface and delivered in a cardboard box with multiple internal layers and corner pads.


This depends on your location but our average delivery time for all our merchandise ranges from 5 days to 14 days.


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