Peregrine Falcon

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  • $10.00 USD
  • Regular price $25.00 USD
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The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) is renowned as the fastest bird in the world, capable of diving at speeds over 200 mph (320 km/h). This medium-sized raptor has a sleek, powerful build with a wingspan of 29 to 47 inches (74 to 120 cm) and a body length of 13 to 23 inches (34 to 58 cm). Adults are characterized by a slate-blue back, a white underbelly with dark bars, and a distinctive black malar stripe on their heads.

Peregrine Falcons are found worldwide, except Antarctica, and thrive in diverse habitats, from coastal cliffs to urban skyscrapers. They primarily prey on birds, executing high-speed stoops to catch their prey mid-air. They are solitary hunters but form strong pair bonds during the breeding season, which occurs in spring. Females lay 2 to 5 eggs, and both parents care for the chicks until they fledge at 5 to 6 weeks old.

Once endangered due to DDT pesticide use, Peregrine Falcons have made a remarkable recovery thanks to conservation efforts. They symbolize resilience and adaptability, especially evident in their successful adaptation to urban environments