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The Nixans are a race of aquatic, amphibious, octopus-like aliens that live on the planet Nixa, a water world with diverse marine life and coral reefs. The Nixans have evolved to thrive in these conditions, developing bioluminescent skin, tentacles, and ink sacs. They are also highly empathic, able to communicate and sense emotions through their skin. They value harmony, beauty, and emotion above all else, and have a colorful and expressive society.
The Nixans are a musical and artistic species, with a passion for creating and performing various forms of art such as singing, dancing, painting, and sculpting. They have developed a complex language, culture, and history system, as well as various forms of expression such as symbols, patterns, and gestures. They have also invented many devices and instruments that enhance their artistic abilities, such as holograms, synthesizers, and cameras. They have explored and documented their entire planet, and have celebrated and preserved its natural beauty.
The Nixans have achieved a low level of space technology, using submarines and balloons to observe and study their atmosphere and moons. They have discovered several celestial bodies that orbit their sun, but none of them seem to have water or life. They have also detected faint signals from distant stars, but they are not sure if they are natural or artificial. The Nixans are curious and fascinated by the universe, but they are also cautious and respectful of its wonders.
The Nixans are one of the most peaceful and friendly races in the galaxy, admired for their artistry and empathy, but also underestimated for their appearance and isolation. They have few allies and enemies among the stars, and are mostly unaware or indifferent to other civilizations. They are the Nixans, the singers of Nixa. 🌊

Shipping, Production Times & Other Info


It normally takes about 5 working days post-production to deliver your painting to you. The production usually takes 1-2 working days. So you should receive your painting within 7 working days.

If you are looking to purchase a digital image to print it on canvas yourself independently then to ensure good quality we would recommend to select 8K by 8K (64MP) for prints of up to 36x36" and 16K by 16K (144MP) for prints of up to 55x55" in size.

Please note that the above times are approximate and may vary on a case-by-case basis so please allow up to 14 working days for your painting to be delivered.

Liquid AI Art Digital Frames

It takes 7-10 days, on average, including production and shipping to deliver your digital frame. However, this is only an estimate based on the US market and delivery times may vary depending on your location


We take every precaution in terms of protecting your painting from any damage during shipping. Your painting will be wrapped in a protective sleeve with a cardboard covering the painting surface and delivered in a cardboard box with multiple internal layers and corner pads.


This depends on your location but our average delivery time for all our merchandise ranges from 5 days to 14 days.


After your order ships, you will receive an online order tracking notification by e-mail and and an SMS message if you left your phone number.