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The Nexans were a wise and peaceful race of aliens that lived on the planet Nex, a crystal and harmonious world with eight moons. They had violet skin, one wing, and five eyes that could see in the spectrum of light. They loved to learn and teach, creating libraries and schools that spread their knowledge and culture. They admired the stars and the other worlds that they could see in the night sky, considering them as teachers and students.
One day, they received a curious inquiry from a faraway star system. It was a message of science and philosophy, sent by another intelligent race that called themselves Thinkers. The Nexans were interested and respectful by the inquiry. They decided to reply to the inquiry, expressing their wisdom and curiosity.
The Thinkers responded by sending a spaceship to visit Nex. The Nexans received them with honor and hospitality, eager to share their libraries and schools. The Thinkers seemed humble and intelligent, but they also had a hidden dilemma. They were facing a cosmic threat, a threat that was endangering their planet and their existence. They said that they had found a paradox, a paradox that challenged their logic and reason. They said that they had chosen Nex as a potential solution, because it was ancient and enlightened.
The Nexans agreed, seeing the problem and opportunity of the Thinkers. They said that they would help them solve the paradox, and that they would provide them with libraries and schools. They also said that they would join them in their inquiry, and that they would not stop until they found the answer.
The Thinkers thanked them and said that they would explain their paradox soon. The Nexans prepared for their explanation, but not in the way that the Thinkers expected. The Nexans had a secret library waiting for them. They had discovered an ancient library, hidden in one of their old schools. The library contained a book, a book that explained the paradox and its solution. The book said that the paradox was a test, a test that measured the intelligence and wisdom of the reader. The book also said that the solution was a choice, a choice that determined the fate of the reader.
The Nexans decided to show the book to the Thinkers, hoping that they would pass the test and make the right choice. They told the Thinkers that they had found a book, but that they had not read it yet. They said that they wanted to read it with them, and that they hoped for the best.
The Thinkers agreed, thinking that they had found a clue and a guide. They followed the Nexans to the library, hoping to read the book soon.
The Nexans showed them the book, which was titled “The Paradox of Existence”. They opened it together, and read its first page.
The page said: “You have reached the end of your inquiry. You have found the paradox of existence. You have faced me, the author of this book. You have one chance to solve the paradox. You have one question to answer my question. You have one word to say my word. What is it?”
The Nexans knew the answer, but they did not say it.
They waited for the Thinkers to say it or keep silent.
The Thinkers did not know what to say or do.
They had found their paradox.

Shipping, Production Times & Other Info


It normally takes about 5 working days post-production to deliver your painting to you. The production usually takes 1-2 working days. So you should receive your painting within 7 working days.

If you are looking to purchase a digital image to print it on canvas yourself independently then to ensure good quality we would recommend to select 8K by 8K (64MP) for prints of up to 36x36" and 16K by 16K (144MP) for prints of up to 55x55" in size.

Please note that the above times are approximate and may vary on a case-by-case basis so please allow up to 14 working days for your painting to be delivered.

Liquid AI Art Digital Frames

It takes 7-10 days, on average, including production and shipping to deliver your digital frame. However, this is only an estimate based on the US market and delivery times may vary depending on your location


We take every precaution in terms of protecting your painting from any damage during shipping. Your painting will be wrapped in a protective sleeve with a cardboard covering the painting surface and delivered in a cardboard box with multiple internal layers and corner pads.


This depends on your location but our average delivery time for all our merchandise ranges from 5 days to 14 days.


After your order ships, you will receive an online order tracking notification by e-mail and and an SMS message if you left your phone number.