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The Dexans were a peaceful and curious race of aliens that lived on the planet Dex, a green and fertile world with nine moons. They had blue fur, three tails, and six eyes that could see in the spectrum of colors. They loved to study and observe, creating experiments and devices that could enhance their understanding and perception. They admired the stars and the other worlds that they could see in the night sky, considering them as fascinating and intriguing.
One day, they received a scientific request from a faraway star system. It was a message of research and collaboration, sent by another intelligent race that called themselves Scientists. The Dexans were interested and respectful by the request. They decided to fulfill the request, expressing their wisdom and curiosity.
The Scientists responded by sending a spaceship to transport the Dexans. The Dexans boarded the spaceship, ready to help and learn. The Scientists seemed humble and intelligent, but they also had a hidden project. They were working on a device that could manipulate time and space, a device that could alter the past and the future. They said that they had found a formula and a prototype that could make the device work, but they needed more data and feedback. They said that they had chosen Dex as a potential partner, because it was old and stable.
The Dexans agreed, seeing the challenge and opportunity of the Scientists. They said that they would help them test the device, and that they would provide them with experiments and devices. They also said that they would join them in their project, and that they would not stop until they found the result.
The Scientists thanked them and said that they would show them their device soon. The Dexans prepared for their device, but not in the way that the Scientists expected. The Dexans had a secret experiment waiting for them. They had created an experiment, hidden in one of their devices. The experiment was designed to measure the effects of the device on the Dexans’ physiology and psychology. The experiment also had a safety mechanism, which could reverse the changes caused by the device.
The Dexans decided to use the experiment on themselves, hoping that they would be able to understand and control the device. They told the Scientists that they had a device, but that they had not used it yet. They said that they wanted to use it with them, and that they hoped for the best.
The Scientists agreed, thinking that they had found reliable and helpful allies. They followed the Dexans to their device, hoping to use it soon.
The Dexans showed them their device, which was a small cube that emitted a bright light. They activated it together, and felt a strange sensation.
They also saw their device, which was a large sphere that emitted a dark shadow.
They heard its voice, a voice that spoke to their minds.
The voice said: “You have reached the end of your project. You have found the device of time and space. You have faced me, the creator of this device. You have one chance to use the device. You have one question to answer my question. You have one word to say my word. What is it?”
The Dexans knew the answer, but they did not say it.
They waited for the Scientists to say it or keep silent.
The Scientists did not know what to say or do.
They had found their device.