In this anime, we follow the story of a young artist named Ayo, who lives in an African village adorned with beautiful murals and wallpapers. Ayo is a gifted painter, inspired by the vibrant colors and patterns of his surroundings, as well as the Islamic art and architecture he sees in nearby towns.
One day, Ayo meets a group of women who are fighting to preserve the cultural heritage of their village in the face of modernization and globalization. Moved by their passion and determination, Ayo joins them in their efforts, using his art to bring attention to their cause.
As Ayo delves deeper into the world of activism, he discovers a network of underground street artists who are using post-painterly techniques to create colorful murals that celebrate their culture and challenge the status quo. Together with this group of rebels, Ayo embarks on a journey to create the largest and most beautiful mural the village has ever seen, one that will inspire future generations to honor their traditions and protect their way of life.
Along the way, Ayo also discovers the power of love, as he falls for a woman named Fatima, whose beauty and strength of character inspire him to new heights. Through their relationship, Ayo learns to see the world in a new light, and finds the courage to create art that is both personal and universal.
Shipping, Production Times & Other Info
It normally takes about 5 working days post-production to deliver your painting to you. The production usually takes 1-2 working days. So you should receive your painting within 7 working days.
If you are looking to purchase a digital image to print it on canvas yourself independently then to ensure good quality we would recommend to select 8K by 8K (64MP) for prints of up to 36x36" and 16K by 16K (144MP) for prints of up to 55x55" in size.
Please note that the above times are approximate and may vary on a case-by-case basis so please allow up to 14 working days for your painting to be delivered.
Liquid AI Art Digital Frames
It takes 7-10 days, on average, including production and shipping to deliver your digital frame. However, this is only an estimate based on the US market and delivery times may vary depending on your location
We take every precaution in terms of protecting your painting from any damage during shipping. Your painting will be wrapped in a protective sleeve with a cardboard covering the painting surface and delivered in a cardboard box with multiple internal layers and corner pads.
This depends on your location but our average delivery time for all our merchandise ranges from 5 days to 14 days.
After your order ships, you will receive an online order tracking notification by e-mail and and an SMS message if you left your phone number.