The anime follows the story of a young girl named Amina, who dreams of becoming an architect like her father. Amina is fascinated by the intricate details and bold colors of the buildings in her city, and she spends her days sketching and studying the different styles of Moroccan architecture.
As Amina grows older, she faces many challenges on her journey to becoming an architect. She must navigate a male-dominated industry, and she faces criticism and skepticism from those who doubt her abilities. But Amina is determined to succeed, and she finds inspiration in the strength and resilience of the women around her.
Throughout the anime, we see Amina working on various projects, from designing a new community center to renovating an old mosque. She collaborates with other architects and builders, and she learns to incorporate her own unique style into her designs.
"Majestic Morocco" showcases the beauty and richness of Moroccan culture and architecture, and celebrates the power of determination and creativity. The anime also explores themes of gender equality and the importance of representation in the arts and sciences.