Orishas in Harmony: A Divine Gathering, Eshu, also known as Esu or Elegba, is a deity in the Yoruba religion and is prominent in various African and Afro-American spiritual traditions. Eshu is recognized as a messenger deity, an intermediary between the spiritual and human realms. Often depicted as a trickster, Eshu plays a crucial role in Yoruba cosmology, acting as the communicator of divine messages and the guardian of the crossroads.
In artistic representations, Eshu may be depicted with a staff, a hat, and other symbolic items. The portrayal of Eshu can vary, capturing the duality of his nature as both a mischievous trickster and a benevolent messenger. The colors associated with Eshu are typically red and black.
It's important to note that Eshu holds different roles and significance in various cultural and spiritual contexts, including within the Yoruba religion, Santería, Candomblé, and other Afro-diasporic traditions