Crimsona Bloodthorn (Red Ogre)

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$30.00 USD
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$30.00 USD
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$37.00 USD
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AttributeDescriptionPowerLight manipulation, can bend and control light to her will.MagicLuminara's Grace - grants enhanced perception and foresight.AppearanceAlbino complexion with a radiant aura; eyes shimmer with light.Royalty StatusQueen of the Radiant Dominion.PersonalityWise, serene, and possesses a calming presence.Royal AttireRobes woven with threads of pure light; a crown of prismatic gems.Weapon of ChoiceIllumiscepter - a staff that channels and intensifies light.Royal Court RoleIlluminatrix of the Luminous Court and Seer of Beyond.ResidenceThe Luminous Palace, a floating city bathed in perpetual light.AlliesLuminal Guards (Warriors skilled in light-infused combat).AdvisorsForesight Sage - a mystic with the ability to see into the future.Arch-EnemyUmbraxis, a shadowy sorcerer seeking to plunge her realm into darkness.
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